Monday, May 23, 2011

Some random updates

What has been going on? Lots.

Gabbie has mastered crawling totally and is now on to cruising and standing on her own for a few seconds at a time. I'm sure I'm going to have another early walker. She might take her time, but I would be surprised.

Piper is slowly improving with her speech therapy. We are getting things in place to transition her into the school systems program soon after she turns 3. We still have a long way to go, but we are excited at her progress.

Allisyn is continuing to be our source of dramatic excitement. She shoved a couple of beads that were linked together up her nose. After 2 1/2 hours of us trying to flush it out and get it with tweezers, Michael ended up taking her to the ER. He said they had to hold her down because she was kicking and screaming. I pray she learned her lesson. She kept saying she was mad at her hand for sticking it up her nose.

On more glorious note, we nominated Alli for a local radio station's kid of the week thing they do, and she won! We got to go to Gatti Town for dinner and games. We like going, so getting to go for free was awesome.

This weekend we went back to my hometown to help celebrate my cousin's transition from Alaska to Hawaii. It was a good time. While we were there the weather turned bad and there were some tornados on the opposite side of the lake that my family lives on. It also hit bad in Joplin, Missouri. My aunt used to work in Joplin so all night we were getting updates on how her friends had lost everything, but all were safe. So many were not though. Makes you hug your family close and thank the Lord for the many blessings we have.

We have also added a new member to our forever home. We adopted a boxer from a local boxer rescue. Her name is Sammie and she is absolutely wonderful. We took her with us this weekend and she did very well. She is great with the girls and the cats. She is more aware of herself than our lab is so we don't have the accidental knocking over or stepping on.

So far the two big dogs haven't made real nice but we are working on it. It's funny because the little rat (dog) doesn't like it when Sammie does what she does with Forrest. Taste of her own medicine.

I miss my big brother. I had to do the closing on his house for him because I'm his limited power of attorney. It was a bit of a mess trying to get the right stuff to the right people and taking the girls up to Stillwater to get it done. I'm so glad I could help him out, but he might owe me a new pair of shoes or something. It's going to be a long year while he's gone.

Oh and in 2 weeks and 2 days, I will be 30!! I'm not upset about it in the slightest. I embrace it. I'm in a wonderful place in life and I am super blessed. I say bring it!!

Gabbie and Jacob

Gabbie and Sammie

KISS FM's Gatti Town Kid of the Week!

First watermelon of the summer!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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